Wednesday, May 11, 2011


My bed leaves bad memories, and bloodstains,
All the marks on the walls, from where i lay,
Punching holes into the wall, to fade away,
The tulips that lie on my bedside,
With a fragranced note attached,

I have one goal, one achievement, one aim,
One bad reputation, two lies, seven claims,
But flowers are better than kisses,
Becuase flowers die faster, but smell much nicer,

I must thank you, as i soon depart,
Not forever, but just from your arms,
I am happy now that i am with you,
But i will never, be able to tell you i love you,
However true it is, i refuse to speak the words,
Because i love you, is so powerful and true it hurts,

The pain caused by love, is more than war,
All is not fair,
A broken heart lasts a lot longer than a scar,

I want these good things to last forever,
Because i see the truth in you, but its compelling,
Me to see your dirty side, and i want to be inside,
I want to touch you, i want to bend to your will,
But i will never say so many things, but i love you still,

The present lasts forever, and me and you are now,
So lets take these feelings in grace,
Within solitude and darkness lies the one thing,
I will never speak, But i will think, Now and forever,
I love you~

The pain caused by love, is more than war,
All is not fair,
A broken heart lasts a lot longer than a scar,

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